The Profit Runner blog | Your essential Amazon arbitrage guide

Do Amazon sellers need insurance?

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Sam Carter, Blogger for Profit Runner

Published: 10th June 2022

Are you thinking of setting up an Amazon business? Are you already selling but have yet to purchase insurance?

An Amazon seller on the phone trying to decide whether she needs to buy Amazon seller insurance.

We discuss the thorny topic of insurance and help you decide whether you need Amazon seller insurance for your business.

Spoiler alert - this blog does not constitute or replace specialist insurance advice!

Bonus: Get £20 when you follow this link and buy Amazon business insurance from PolicyBee.

Pssst... This an affiliate link so we earn a small commission if you purchase insurance using the link above. 

Do I need Amazon seller insurance?

In short, yes: Once your turnover exceeds a certain amount, you must have business insurance to comply with Amazon's seller policy.

An Amazon seller questioning why you need Amazon seller insurance.

So let's dive in and tackle one of the least sexy but critical elements of your Amazon business.

Why do Amazon sellers need business insurance?

Holding the correct insurance for your Amazon business will enable you to care for your customers and yourself should something unforeseen occur. Getting insured will also ensure you are compliant with Amazon's seller policy - a must for all sellers.

Here are a few scenarios in which the correct insurance for your Amazon business could offer you some protection:

  • The UPS delivery driver trips over and hurts themselves whilst carrying a box from your house to the van
  • Your stock is mistakenly delivered to the wrong address and gets lost in transit
  • One of your customers injures themselves or their property using one of your products

Yikes! These are just a few situations which could leave you, your customers, or the service providers with whom you work in a compromised position.

Lots of plasters, representing accidents and protecting your Amazon business from claims for damages with Amazon seller insurance.

Is insurance your ethical responsibility as an Amazon seller?

Like many small business owners, you are probably focused on building a business doing what you love - sourcing low-cost goods to resell for profit, finding new products to bring to the market - there are many ways to turn a profit on Amazon.

For many, the Amazon platform has provided unrivaled opportunities to leverage a sophisticated online channel with a ready-made audience - creating a successful online business has never been easier.

However, just because it is easy to start selling online doesn't mean you should overlook the critical business practices all responsible retailers need to consider - insurance is one of them!

Good business insurance and customer care:

Caring for customers and providing them with products they love is the cornerstone of any successful business; it is also necessary to consider how your products might adversely affect consumers.

A seller thinking about purchasing Amazon seller insurance.

Regardless of how unpleasant or unlikely it seems, insurance is there to protect and care for you and your customers should something negative happen.

So, before you get carried away with building your business, you should probably take a minute to consider how your business activities might impact your customers - and we're not talking about positive Facebook reviews.

Do Amazon resellers need business insurance?

Yes - if you resell products purchased from manufacturers or suppliers, you are potentially liable for any negative consequences arising from use of the product.

Can customers seek compensation from Amazon, the manufacturers, or individual Amazon sellers?

All three - compensation from the manufacturer, the seller, or even Amazon, could be sought should the worst-case scenario occur.

Your Amazon business sits smack bang in the middle of the Amazon supply chain, and as such, you could also be considered liable.

Afterall, who's to say that your shipping and storage of goods hasn't adversely impacted their performance?

Insurance isn't just for your customers:

Like many Amazon sellers, your business might have started as a small venture from your spare room, but you must not lose sight of the real-world impact of your business activity.

A carton of eggs including one broken egg, a reminder to Amazon sellers to purchase Amazon seller insurance.

You'll need to consider the risks posed to any person or organisation encountering your business; this might include:

  • Suppliers
  • Delivery drivers
  • Packaging and shipping handlers
  • Amazon employees
  • And last but not least - you!

In summary: If you are going to start selling on Amazon, you really should think about getting insured.

When should I get my Amazon business insured?

You must have insurance to comply with Amazon's policies once your account turnover exceeds a certain amount. The limit for sellers operating in the United Kingdom is currently £4k a month (correct as of May 2022).

Here is a quote taken from Amazon's policies regarding insurance:

"If the gross proceeds from sales of Your products processed through the Fulfilment by Amazon Service exceed the applicable Insurance Threshold during each month over any period of three (3) consecutive months, or otherwise if requested by us, then within thirty (30) days thereafter, you will maintain at your expense throughout the remainder of the Term public third party liability insurance in connection with each Amazon Site with at least the Insurance Limits per occurrence/aggregate covering liabilities caused by or occurring in conjunction with the operation of your business in connection with such Amazon Site, including products liability and bodily injury, with policy (ies) naming Amazon and its assignees as additional insureds. At our request, you will provide to us certificates of insurance evidencing the coverage require.", Amazon Services Europe Business Solutions Agreement

Do individual Amazon seller accounts need insurance?

Regardless of your account type, if your turnover has yet to exceed the applicable insurance threshold, insurance is not outlined as a requirement according to the Amazon policy.

That's not to say that individual sellers can't operate without insurance, but the question is - why would you want to?

A question mark on a yellow background, representing the frequently asked questions by Amazon sellers about Amazon seller insurance.

Do you need a business bank account or a limited company to purchase Amazon seller insurance?

No. You can purchase insurance for your Amazon business as a sole trader.

Can sole traders get insurance for selling on Amazon?

Yes. Sole traders can buy and sell on Amazon with an insurance policy for sole traders.

Getting insured if you already have an Amazon business:

So what happens if you're already the proud owner of a professional selling account and you've overlooked the importance of insurance?

If you are reaching or have exceeded the turnover limit outlined in the Amazon policy, you'll need to get yourself insured as soon as possible.

But don't worry - you can purchase insurance online and get your business covered in a jiffy!

To learn more about the applicable insurance thresholds and general Amazon policies, head to the Amazon Services Europe Business Solutions Agreement on the Amazon website.

How do you purchase Amazon seller insurance?

Getting insured is surprisingly simple. Be sure to research several insurers and discuss your Amazon business in detail with them.

A seller getting ready to insure her business with Amazon seller insurance.
  • Sharing the exact nature of your business on the Amazon platform will help your insurer determine the type of insurance you need
  • Different business models, such as private label, wholesale or handmade, have varying insurance requirements
  • The marketplaces in which you operate will also impact the type of insurance you need

A quick Google search should reveal a list of companies that offer insurance to Amazon sellers. Many companies will be willing to help you, and buying insurance doesn't take very long or cost very much!

Amazon seller insurance from PolicyBee:

One company you might want to consider calling is PolicyBee. They offer insurance specifically for Amazon business owners.

They even have a blog on Amazon seller's insurance - a must-read if you are ready to consider insuring your Amazon business.

Ps. Get £20 if you follow this link and buy Amazon seller insurance from PolicyBee.

Do Amazon sellers need insurance: The recap

  • Once your Amazon revenue exceeds a particular size, Amazon requires you to have insurance and may request proof of it
  • Just because you aren't a manufacturer of products doesn't mean you can't be held liable for damages arising from them
  • You can get insurance for your Amazon business, even if you don't yet have a business bank account or a registered company
  • Disclose everything about the nature of your business to any prospective insurers so they can offer you the correct policy for your business

So what have you got to lose? Hopefully, nothing - as long as you're insured!