Profit Runner features

Amazon arbitrage software has
never been easy. Until now.

Try the software for free

Perform in-depth market analysis in seconds

  • Access thorough and up-to-date sales data in an uncluttered and easy-to-read format
  • Spot arbitrage opportunities with ease and speed up your decision-making process
  • No more sifting through tons of unhelpful numbers - save yourself time and avoid strenuous analysis
  • Perfect for beginners and professionals alike; enjoy a simplistic user experience, combined with comprehensive data points
  • Gain clarity and improved efficiency as Profit Runner helps you make light work of marketplace analysis

Analyse the profitability of any Amazon product

  • Compare your purchase price with the current Amazon selling price within a few clicks
  • Enjoy the freedom to analyse any Amazon product - no need to rely on BOLO lists or scanning arbitrage software
  • Perfect for finding deals where no one else is looking - retain your competitive edge and avoid costly arbitrage price wars
  • The ideal solution for savvy sellers looking for high-demand and low-competition items
  • Feel confident when making strategic inventory-sourcing decisions

Track your most profitable deals

  • Save your most profitable finds in one private location - we'll automatically update the sales data every week
  • Never forget a great deal again - track the product and monitor the data to find future opportunities at a glance
  • No more repetitive deal analysis - organise your efforts and save time and energy
  • Excellent for sellers wishing to streamline their arbitrage sourcing process
  • Relax and save your most profitable deals, leaving us to do the repetitive analysis for you

Use the return on investment calculator

  • Determine your exact return on investment - simply name your price and calculate your return
  • Take the guesswork out of your pricing strategy and ensure your numbers are always accurate
  • Save yourself time and effort - perform complicated calculations in seconds
  • The perfect tool for sellers wanting to ensure a profitable price for every sale they make
  • Make assertive pricing decisions, equipped with the tools to calculate with confidence and speed

Build your costs into your profit margin

  • Enter your overheads and desired return on investment and Profit Runner will calculate everything for you
  • Be sure your pricing covers every cost incurred during your arbitrage activities
  • Avoid losses from unaccounted-for overheads and protect your profit margin
  • An essential feature for sellers wishing to avoid complicated calculations - particularly for those selling low-priced items
  • Gain ultimate confidence in the profitability of every sale you make

Save your prospective purchases in a basket

  • Save a list of your potential purchases, organised by the supplier in a private and convenient location
  • Highlight prospective deals without relying on endless tabs, bookmarks or spreadsheets
  • Simplify your sourcing process and prevent frustration and confusion from disorganisation
  • An ideal feature for busy online or retail arbitrage sellers looking to streamline their business
  • Improve your productivity and enjoy clarity in your arbitrage sourcing efforts

Keep a record of your previous purchases

  • Keep a perfect record of every purchase you make for your Amazon arbitrage business
  • Stay organised and save key information including; purchase date, total units ordered, purchase price and supplier details
  • Review your past performance with ease, ensuring you always have the correct information to hand
  • A fantastic tool for busy sellers wishing to repeat good decisions and avoid bad ones!
  • Enjoy perfect record keeping and achieve expert oversight into your previous arbitrage decisions